Translate the following into English. Use the simple and continuous present tense whenever necessary.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
- Someone on the phone is looking for you
- Today i am not home for anyone especialy when i'm drinking my coffee and i don't want to be bothered
-Who wants to go the pool with us ?
- Today we are not going , not me and not my sister either because we are helping our mother finish fall cleaning.
-Is it right that you don't know what's new ?George is studying electronic at Iasi and Maria is attending classes at university of bucharest, chinese section.
Usually we spent the end of the week in a village near Bucharest. But this time we are staying home because we are expecting guests.
This always happens when she gets her money she goes grocery shopping and comes home with lots of nothings.
My neighbour's little boy is three years old he has got blonde hair , blue eyes and he likes candy and teddy bears a lot and when you ask him how old he is he says " I am three years old "
Those spinach crepes are not bad at all . I just think they have an unusual taste .What do you think?
When i come over someone alwyas plays the violin in the neighbour's apartment
Today is the opening day of and conetmporan art galary in Bucharest.Famous artist are bringing their paintings.The expozition is opened until the end of january .It can be visted everyday form 10 am to 5 pm
I have a lot of work to do lately but i promise to visit you once i have free time
She enters the scene from the right part , being hesitant then she goes to the grouo from the middle of the scene where they are having and heated converstaion and she tries to join
I know you are always good at everything .Why are you not handy today?