Engleza, întrebare adresată de cepoimelita, 10 ani în urmă

Translate the following sentences into English:1El trece pe la biroul meu in fiecare luni dimineata.2 De obicei isi ia vacanta iarna pentru ca ai placesa schieze.3 Am luat pranzul cu Jerry ieri.4 L-am auzit pe fratele meu cu prietenii lui lucrand toata ziua ieri.5 Imi pare rau ca am ajuns prea tarziu,dar cand sa vin la tine mi-am dat seama ca nu-ti stiu adresa.Incercam sa gasesc casa ta cand m-am intalnit cu John care venea si el la tine si m-a condus.6 Bunica si-a pierdut ochelarii.I-am cautat toata dupa-amiaza dar inca nu i-am gasit.7 Tocmai mi-am amintit ca nu am platit chiria.Sunt surprins ca proprietarul nu m-a sunat inca sa-mi reaminteasca asta.E prima data in cinci ani cand am intarziat cu plata chiriei.8 Mary locuieste in acest oras de mai multi ani.A venit aici sa studieze la Universitate si a ramas aici dupa ce si-a terminat studiile.

Giigii: Pe când ti-ar trebui?doar mai târziu mã pot apuca,cã-i mult.revin mai târziu si dacã pân-atunci nu-l rezolvã cineva,ti-l fac.bn?
cepoimelita: bine

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Giigii
1)He's coming to my office every monday morning.2)He usually takes his brakes(vacations?)during winter because he likes skiing.3)I've had lunch with Jerry yesterday.4)Yesterday I've heard my brother working all day long with his friends.5)Sorry I'm late,but just when I left home I realized,I didn't knew your adress.6)Grandma has lost her eyeglasses(spectacles?). I've been looking for them all afternoon,but I haven't found them yet.7)I just remembered,I haven't payed my rent yet. I'm surprized,the owner hasn't call to remind me that. It's the first time in five years that I'm late with my rent.8)Mary has been living in this city(town?)for many years. She came here to study at the University and she stayed after finishing her studies.
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