Engleza, întrebare adresată de MinoSave, 8 ani în urmă

Translate to English:
1.Profesorul ne-a spus ca lucrarile trebuie predate pana la 23 aprilie.
2.Daca as fi in locul lui,as invata mai mult.
3.Cel mai interesant este ca nici macar nu ne-au multumit pentru ajutor.
4.In timp ce eu vorbeam la telefon, el asculta muzica.
5.Ai citit cartea, nu-i asa?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Dedu123
1. The teacher told us that the tests need to be returned until 23rd april.
2. If i would be first , i would learn much more.
3.The most interesting is that they didnt even thanked us for the help.
4.At the time i was talking on the phone he was listening to music.
5.U red the book , didnt you?
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