Engleza, întrebare adresată de esimona22, 9 ani în urmă

Trebuie sa fac o compunere in engleza despre orasul casa si camera mea!!
Va rog mult!! Dau 20 puncte

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AndreeaElena11
My room is such eatiful place. I like to do everthing here. It's nice and confortable. Besides stuffed animals, my room is wall papered with singers and actors.
I think that my room means so much to me beacause it also how I have grown into who I am. I would  be lost without  my room or the obiects and memories about it that so dear. Here, I spend my free time wiht my friends. I like to keep it clean because it shows my personality. I like it decorate my bed with all the cosy and warm things. Sleeping is my favorite thing. Also I dance and sing along in my room because for my it's the safest place I could be.
Cu plăcere ! :)))
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