Engleza, întrebare adresată de Horan, 9 ani în urmă

Trebuie sa le trec de la activ la pasiv
1.What did he write it white?
He wrote it with a matchstick dipped in blood.
2.An uneasy silence succeded the shot.
3.Did the idea interest you?
4.The lowyer gave him the details of his uncle's will.
5.Beavers make these dand
6.They used to start these engines by hand .Now they start them by electricity.
7.Most people opposed this.
8.Students are doing a lot of the work.
9.The Prime Minister was to have opened the dry dock
10.The recommended opening new factories in the depressed area. (Use should)

claudia822mihaela: Unde le-ai gasit ma?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Silhouette66
1.It was written by him with a matchstick dipped in blood.2.The shot was succeeded by an uneasy silence.3. Were you interested by the idea?4. He was given the details of his uncle's will by the lawyer.5.?6.These engines used to be started by hand. Now they are started by electricity.7.This was opposed by most people.8.A lot of the work is being done by students.9.The dry dock was to be opened by the Prime Minister.10.Opening new factories in the depressed are was recommended.
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