Engleza, întrebare adresată de 81412486, 8 ani în urmă

Treceti urmatoarele la timpul trecut simplu. Folositi "does" "did".

Mother read an interesting story yesterday evening.

I cleaned my room last Saturday.

You met Johnet at the party two weeks ago.

Father drove the car yesterday afternoon.

cameliagheorgh1: Sigur does si did?Sau doar did?
81412486: ce se poate folosi.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cameliagheorgh1
Did Mother read....
Did I clean....?
Did you meet?
Did father drive?

MrsAnca: nu e asa pt ca se schimba forma verbului
MrsAnca: scz n-am vazut ca ai schimbat forma verbului.
Răspuns de MrsAnca
1- did mother read an an interesting story yesterday evening.?
2- did 
I clean my room last Saturday.?
3- did 
You meet Johnet at the party two weeks ago?
Father drive the car yesterday afternoon.?

Alte întrebări interesante