Un dialog intre 2 persoane sau mai multe referitor la o casa ce trebuie renovată ( + traducere)
Cate 5 prop de persoană
Răspunsuri la întrebare
A-Hello, you must be Mr. B, right?
B-Yes, I was expecting you. This is the house I have been telling your partner about.
A-I see. Well,it doesn't look to bad and I can tell you it has a lot of potential.
B-Indeed, I've been meaning to get on with renovating it for some time.
A-Ok, so, what exactly is it that you want to do?
B-First of all, I would like to take care of the inside of the house. I would like to turn this room into a new bedroom, change the flooring and the paint on the walls.
A-Ok, that shouldn't be too hard.
B-Next, I would like to redo the bathroom. I would like to add a new door that leads straight into the new bedroom and I would like to change the tiles on the walls and on the floor.
A-Got it.
B-Last, but not least, I would like to expand the kitchen and, of course, upgrade the appliances.
A-This will be the trickiest part since that would imply changing some of the pipework.
B-I thought so. I'd like to leave it last.
Buna ziua, dumneavoastra sunteti d-ul B, correct?
Da, va asteptam. Aceasta este casa despre care i-am povestit partenerului d-voastra.
Am inteles. Ei bine, nu arata foarte rau si imi dau seama ca are mult potential.
Desigur. Am vrut sa ma apuc de renovare de ceva timp.
Bine, ce vreti sa faceti mai exact?
In primul rand, as vrea sa modific interiorul casei. As vrea sa transform aceasta camera intr-un nou dormitor, sa schimb parchetul si varul de pe pereti.
Bine, asta nu ar trebui sa fie prea greu.
Apoi, as vrea sa refac baia. As vrea sa adaug o usa care sa duca in dormitorul cel nou si as vrea sa schimb gresia si faianta.
Am inteles.
Nu in ultimul rand, as vrea sa extind bucataria si, desigur, sa schimb aparatura.
Asta va fi partea cea mai grea pentru ca ar presupune modificarea instalatiilor.
M-am gandit eu. As vrea sa o las pe aceasta la urma.