Engleza, întrebare adresată de paulpolocoserozopgo, 8 ani în urmă

Un eseu cu titlu "being a teen-ager"

dau coroana!!!!!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ilinca87
Being a Teenager

Everyone thinks that being a teenager is a simple task, but it actually isn’t.
Everyone expects you to act like an adult and think like a child because you’re still small. You’re supposed to take the best decisions all the time, but you can’t speak about a more complex problem.
It is maybe one of the best parts of life because you just experience multiple things that you’ve never experienced before.
Anyway, being a teenager has its ups and downs, but I still think that it is an interesting part of any person’s life.
Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
when I was young, about 17 years old in high school I was scorned by everyone in high school but only one, my friend David. one day I was with David on the street and I saw my colleague Dana whom two guys aggressed, David and I went there and defended those two guys. But I did not see our colleagues on the other side of the street, there was Augstin's beloved Dana's footballer. the next day in school he did not blame me anymore at school. SCUe dacă nu e bine :)))
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