Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandrurober, 9 ani în urmă

Un eseu de 30 randuri care sa inceapa asa :

Once upon a time lived a great king. His name was Ambrosius. King Ambrosius had a douther.................................

Cat mai repede va rog

iza1203: se scrie daughter

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Once upon a time lived a great king.His name was Ambrosius.King Ambrosius had a daughter.Her name was Amber.When the young princess had twenty years old,her father said:
   ”-My gorgeous princess,now is time to marry with a prince...”
   ”-No but! You will marry with Prince Johnas,next month! The wedding is prepared!”
   ”-Why you take decisions without me?!”
   ”-I take this decisions because I love you!”
   ”-You love me?If you love me,you let me to marry with a man who I love!”
   ”-...who is this man what you are in love?”
   ”-He is Prince Mark...I wanna marry with him!”
   ”-If this thing makes you happy...”
   ”-You say yes?”
   ”-Ok,i will advising the prince the wedding is canceled!” 
   ”-Thank you dad! I love you so much!”
And the Princess Amber married with Prince Mark and they lived many many years happy with King Ambrosius.
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