Engleza, întrebare adresată de florinamaria70, 9 ani în urmă

Un eseu despre :When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

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Răspuns de MissKAWAII
When Life Gives You Hundred reasons to cry ,Show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile :

Do you know that moment ,when you just feel horrible ,and no one see that your broken inside? Because you must smile. You must pretend your happines ,but inside ,ypu just want to die. That's because you feel lonely ,you feel ugly ,you feel fat ,you feel like no one wants you around. But that's not like that. Why? Because you MUST smile. You must hit the life back . Show who is master here. Don't cry. In our days ,people care about the beatuifullness ,and about your face. Not about your sensitive and good soul and about your heart. No one cares about your inside. No one ! But the soul ,and the mind and Heart are the most inportant and beautiful things in our body. Not the face ,not the money you have. People just judge you ,without think about your sentimentes. But show 'em you don't care. Show life that you can smile in every bad or good situation ,and then PUNCH life back!! How? It's easy. Smile! Smile ,because you're beautiful ,you're pretty ,you're very cute and you are the most beautiful when you smile. Show life you don't care about bad things! You can change this world . Be you. Be happy and smile everyday. Show life that she already lost this war! Smile ,because life is short. Smile you still have teeth. Smile!
Răspuns de Dede9850
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
Life isn't always what you wish. Sometimes it reminds you that you don't get to choose what will happen. You can't decide if your grandparents die, if your parents get divorced or one of your friends doesn't want to hang out with you. You just have to smile and think that that thing happened for a reason. And if something bad happens, something god will follow.
Life is like this. You never know what will happen. You don't know how much you or your loved ones will stay here, on Earth, but you don't have to take things for granted. No matter how bad is it, the good thing that'll follow will make it hurt less
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