Engleza, întrebare adresată de palinalex45, 8 ani în urmă

un proiect legat de cum a fost cea mai recentă vacanță a ta. Trebuie să povestești despre:
• Locul unde tu ai fost
• Cât de mult ai stat acolo
• Ce ai făcut acolo
• Cum te-ai simțit acolo
• Alte lucruri interesante
Proiectul se poate face fie sub formă de compunere, compunerea trebuie sa fie in engleza si lunga va rog mult

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ranmmi


A year ago, when it was summer I went on a vacation in London. I stayed there for a week even if it seemed like I only styed there for only a few days. I arrived at the hotel in the afternoon so we couldn't do much, just to put our luggage in the rooms and to make ourselves to feel like home. When the evening came and we got familiar with the surroundings we went and eat. It was a pretty basic meal: some steak, cake and then we had to drink some tea. I didn't wanted to drink the tea since I don't like it but my mom told me that it's rude to not accept to drink the tea, expecially because we are in London. After that we went to sleep since we weren't used with the time zone there. In the first week we visited the "London Eye", the "Big Ben", the "Tower Bridge", the "Hyde Park" and the "Trafalgar Square". In the weekend we went to an amusement park and we also bought some things from some shops.

I felt really great and I really enjoy it and I hope I will be able to go and visit more things in different countrys some day.

palinalex45: Trebuia cu Constanta:(
ranmmi: oh :'(
ranmmi: Rip me-
palinalex45: :(
ranmmi: păi, poți înlocui "London" cu "Constanța"
palinalex45: da dar trebuia la mare si astea
ranmmi: atunci fă pe google translate- idk
rskyvs: bună ziua, ma puteți ajuta la ultima mea întrebare va rog mult, e urgent
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