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There once was a guy that plotted to escape. He wanted to be taken by pirates and be free. The captain once found out that the guy was pretty good at fishing, therefore he took him on his small fishing boat whenever he was home. Then, eventually, he started to fish together with his cousin, his name was Ismael, and a slave. The slave's name was Xury. One day, the captai. planned a fishing and bird hunting trip. There were a lot of weapons on board that day. But, it didn't go as planned. The men went to the master's house waiting for the young boy, Xury and his cousin to catch him some fish for some supper. The boy thought this could be an amazing opportunity to escape. He then made sure he didn't catch any fish so that Ismael went further and further to catch the fish that the master wanted. He then crept up behind Ismael and threw him into the water! He told him to swim to shore, and if he came nearer that he would shoot him. He then swimmed for shore. He took Xury and told him that he will make a great man out of him and to put faith into him. If not, he would end up like Ismael did. In the sea with the sharks. He smiled and promised his faithfulness to the boy. The need of fresh water pushed the men towards land. They took the water they needed and quickly got back on their small boat. On their stops, he depended on Xury to game, animal skin, meat and whatnot. There was no sign of people but one day they passed down a shore on which a couple of people were. They didn't wear many clothes but their skin was darker than normal. They made gestures to tell them they were hungry and wanted food and water. They brought them food (dried vegetables and meat) and water. Then suddenly, 2 great cats sneaked up on them from 2 grear trees - they seemed to be hostile too! Most of the people ran away but one man with a long stick stayed. As soon as they sighted them, Xury handed the boy guns and shot the largest one of them. The other one fled from the gunfire. He made signs that he wanted the people to have the cat. They skinned it and gave them the skin, whilst keeping the meat. They then departed, set sail for 11 days and eventually, Xury yells that he has found a boat with a sail.The boy could hear fear in Xury's voice. (...)
This is it. Brainliest answer please!! Thank you in advance! ❤