un text in engleza cu tot cu traducere legat despre iarna si mos craciun
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Era o seara rece de decembrie. Toata ziua, cerul gri nu lasase soarele sa priveasca pamantul.
Sub felinarul strazii, fulgi pufosi, ca niste fluturasi gingasi de gheata, valsau lent, iar copiii se grabeau sa-i prinda din zbor. O plapuma alba si groasa acoperise strazile, masinile si copacii. Era seara de dinaintea Craciunului, cand Mosul bland si bun alearga cu renii si sania sa, sa aduca copiilor cuminti cadourile asteptate.
In casa noastra totul era pregatit. Mama terminase de copt cozonacii iar eu si tatal meu de impodobit bradul. Din difuzoare, Stefan Hrusca ne incalzea inimile cu vocea sa melodioasa. Deodata, un sunet cristalin de clopotel se auzi la usa. Cand am deschis-o, un batranel cu plete si barba alba, imbracat in haina rosie, cu un sac mare in spate mi-a zambit si m-a intrebat daca ma numesc Adriana-Nicoleta. I-am raspuns ca da si l-am invitat sa intre si sa se aseze pe scaun, langa brad. Stia ca obtinusem la scoala calificative foarte bune si era fericit.
Dupa ce i-am cantat si i-am recitat doua poezii, Mos Craciun m-a sarutat pe obraz, si-a golit sacul si mi-a spus ca se grabeste sa ajunga si la alti copii. L-am condus pana la usa si i-am promis ca si in urmatorul an voi obtine rezultate la fel de bune.
A fost o seara minunata de iarna!
... traducere in englezaIt was a cold December evening. All day, gray skies to watch the sun does not leave the ground.
Sub lantern street, fluffy flakes, like ice tenderness flyers, waltz and children hurrying to catch the fly. A thick white duvet cover the streets, cars and trees. It was the night before Christmas, when Santa gentle and good running reindeer and sleigh, expected to bring gifts to good children.
In our house everything was ready. My mother and I finished baking cakes decorated tree and my father. The speakers, Stefan Hrusca warms hearts with his melodious voice. Suddenly, a crisp bell sounded at the door. When I opened it, an old man with white hair and beard, dressed in red, with a big bag smiled back and asked me if my name is Adriana Nicoleta. I said yes and I invited him to come and sit on the chair near the tree. He knew he obtained good marks at school and was happy.
After I sang and recited two poems I, kissed me on the cheek Father Christmas, and emptied the bag and told me to hurry and reach other children. I drove up to the door and I promised that in the next year will get results as good.
It was a wonderful evening of winter!
Sub felinarul strazii, fulgi pufosi, ca niste fluturasi gingasi de gheata, valsau lent, iar copiii se grabeau sa-i prinda din zbor. O plapuma alba si groasa acoperise strazile, masinile si copacii. Era seara de dinaintea Craciunului, cand Mosul bland si bun alearga cu renii si sania sa, sa aduca copiilor cuminti cadourile asteptate.
In casa noastra totul era pregatit. Mama terminase de copt cozonacii iar eu si tatal meu de impodobit bradul. Din difuzoare, Stefan Hrusca ne incalzea inimile cu vocea sa melodioasa. Deodata, un sunet cristalin de clopotel se auzi la usa. Cand am deschis-o, un batranel cu plete si barba alba, imbracat in haina rosie, cu un sac mare in spate mi-a zambit si m-a intrebat daca ma numesc Adriana-Nicoleta. I-am raspuns ca da si l-am invitat sa intre si sa se aseze pe scaun, langa brad. Stia ca obtinusem la scoala calificative foarte bune si era fericit.
Dupa ce i-am cantat si i-am recitat doua poezii, Mos Craciun m-a sarutat pe obraz, si-a golit sacul si mi-a spus ca se grabeste sa ajunga si la alti copii. L-am condus pana la usa si i-am promis ca si in urmatorul an voi obtine rezultate la fel de bune.
A fost o seara minunata de iarna!
... traducere in englezaIt was a cold December evening. All day, gray skies to watch the sun does not leave the ground.
Sub lantern street, fluffy flakes, like ice tenderness flyers, waltz and children hurrying to catch the fly. A thick white duvet cover the streets, cars and trees. It was the night before Christmas, when Santa gentle and good running reindeer and sleigh, expected to bring gifts to good children.
In our house everything was ready. My mother and I finished baking cakes decorated tree and my father. The speakers, Stefan Hrusca warms hearts with his melodious voice. Suddenly, a crisp bell sounded at the door. When I opened it, an old man with white hair and beard, dressed in red, with a big bag smiled back and asked me if my name is Adriana Nicoleta. I said yes and I invited him to come and sit on the chair near the tree. He knew he obtained good marks at school and was happy.
After I sang and recited two poems I, kissed me on the cheek Father Christmas, and emptied the bag and told me to hurry and reach other children. I drove up to the door and I promised that in the next year will get results as good.
It was a wonderful evening of winter!
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