Engleza, întrebare adresată de QueenElisabeta, 8 ani în urmă

un text scurt despre "my uncle" în engleza ( cel mai bun răspuns primește coroana)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim

                                                    My Uncle

My uncle was born on 18 October 1975 and was very good in school. He was getting only 10 at English , Romanian , History and Math. He became the best in the school. At 20 years of age he became a footballer in the 3rd League and after his retirement he began training young kids to become champions.

Răspuns de HappyToHelp
My dear uncle,

He was born on December 27 1996.
I love my uncle very much and we enjoy having time together like we: eat ice cream, watch funny movies together with my aunt, and pretty much everything! He is my best friend and uncle, I love him very much and I hope we can dance this time! By the way, I forgot to tell you how he looks. He has brown hair, green and beautiful eyes, he is tall, likes to play with me and his skin is like mine!
My uncle is the best uncle ever!
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