Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Underline the correct preposition.
1. Tom wants to concentrate in/on his medical studies.
2. Lots of children are afraid to/of the dark.
3. That wardrobe beongs to/at my husband's family.
4. The jar was full of/with shells i'd collected at the beach.
5. They got in/to the office in time for the meeting.
6. James is waiting from/for his mother.
7. That man comes from/to Canda.
8.You must be polite at/to the eldery.
9.Karen writes with/to her family regulary.
10. My teacher is married to/with a doctor.
11. I'm not interested for/in sports.
12. I like to listen at/to the radio in the mornings.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de aRRoW1
1. on
2. Of
3. to
4. Of
5. to
6. for
7. from
8. to
9. to
10. with
11. in
12. to
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