Engleza, întrebare adresată de vioriica, 9 ani în urmă

Underline  the word  that is different.Say why.
a)Save time-spend time- waste time
b)post-it notes-reminders-teens
c)Slate-tablet PC-abacus

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de blonda9797
save time,because spend and waste means that you're losing the time
teens,because the others means something that you need to know and teens means persons
Tablet pc,because this means an electronic thing 
skiing,because the others are acvatic activities 
shopping,because the others means activities that you do in your free time without spending money
language,because this means a form of communication..
I hope that it's helpfully 

zidu1996: care e a care e b care e c care d ...
zidu1996: ????
zidu1996: nu inteleg nimic
blonda9797: ce ar fi sa citesti putin si sa vezi fiecare din ce coloana provine? :D nu fiti asa rasfatati
zidu1996: da pasol ti
vioriica: :D
zidu1996: idi ti
vioriica: Unde ?
vioriica: hai cu mn
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