Engleza, întrebare adresată de gheorghenico, 8 ani în urmă

Underline the world or phrase which best completes each of the sentences below.
1. The old man groped around/ searched about the dimly-lit room for his slippers.
2. I wanted to get up and leave because the speech was to tedious/ strenous.
3. Good letter writing is fast becoming a rare thing/ dying art.
4. The sailor was adrift at/ out to sea for four days before he was rescued.
5.The sinking ship sent out a distress messange/call.
6. The secretary busily pressed/ pecked away at the keyboard of her word processor.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de FloraTheQueen

Răspuns:Voi scrie mai jos doar cuvintele care trebuie subliniate la fiecare propozoitie

1. around

2. tedious

3. dying

4. out

5. messange

6. pressed


gheorghenico: Multumesc mult!
FloraTheQueen: npk:))
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