Engleza, întrebare adresată de gabri18, 10 ani în urmă

Urgeent! Exercitiul 1b..sunt 35 de puncte


MIHAELA15: aaa
MIHAELA15: caut in text
gabri18: Ok...
MIHAELA15: pot sa nu iti mai scriu intrebarile?
MIHAELA15: te rog?
MIHAELA15: scriu doar raspunsurile
Giigii: apai ce texte grele va da :(
gabri18: Da
Giigii: Ms de coronitã
gabri18: O meriti

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Giigii
1)Roman`s journey was extraordinary,because he managed to travel all over Europe with no money at all.
2)He liked Liverpool,because the mother in the family that took him in,could speak sign language and took very good care of him.He was happy there.
3)He ran away from Liverpool because he was sent to a special school for orphans.
4)In France he bagged for money on the streets to survive.
5)He persuaded the Brazilian consul that he was Brazilian.This way he got passport and money for travel to Rio de Janeiro.
6)He didn`t stay in Brazil because it didn`t feel like home.
7)The Russian consul agreed to pay for his flight to Moscow.
8) Since his return,he has appeared on TV and given newspaper interviews.
9)The Russian authorities have been discussing about whether they should punish him or not.
10)He discovered that there are no big surprises in the world,life is hard everywhere.

gabri18: :(
Giigii: numerotez
gabri18: Ok..
Giigii: 1)I think Roman`s journey was wrong,because a child`s place is next to his parents. It`s wrong for a child to wonder alone in the world.
Giigii: 2)He deceived many people with the sign language.
Giigii: 3)People felt disappointed about him,when discovered that he decieved them.
Giigii: 4)Roman`s story has taught me that people do care about children`s welfare.
gabri18: Multumesc mult de tot..m-ai salvat..de un3
Giigii: cu mare placere :) bafta!
gabri18: :)
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