URGENT!! DAU COROANA! Cineva va rog sa corecteaza eseul in lima engleza!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Ultima fraza din primul paragraf este gresita. Corect este: "In Egypt you can try (Fara the) horse riding and camel riding".
Dupa tari nu urmeaza "the", asta se aplica peste tot.
In al treilea paragraf: "Help young people that enjoy fresh air".
Nu inteleg la ce te referi in fraza "only they high up in the trees". Daca voiai sa spui ca acestia se catara in copaci ar trebui formulat: "The type of young people that enjoy climbing up trees...".
Ultima fraza in al treilea paragraf: "Even it helps ..." . Corect este "It even helps..."
In ultimul paragraf: "Card game" ar trebui la plural: "Card games", la fel si cuvantul "conversations".
Ultima fraza din ultimul paragraf as rescri-o complet, deoarece este gresita.
"And after these evening activities, they'll go to sleep and prepare for the next day."