Engleza, întrebare adresată de alessyavalcea, 8 ani în urmă


Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

Your story must begin with this sentence.

I was really surprised when I read the email
(100 words )

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de biancastefania1212
I was really surprised when I read the email. You may be wondering why I was so excited. Well, my dream became true, I was accepted to the best university in the country! I applied for it 3 months ago and now i got an answer! Amazing! I can’t wait to surprise my family with the news... I hope they will be at least as excited as i am!
The truth is that I wasn’t sure if they will accept me because I have nothing special except for my good marks, but now I m proud of myself.

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