Engleza, întrebare adresată de cat6984, 8 ani în urmă

urgent, multumesccc 6 Complete the text with the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check. My dad and l... (climb) a lot of mountains and of course it can be dangerous. 1? ... (start) when I was 14 but I.... (never have) a serious accident. My dad and 14. (travel) all over the world and we (see) some wonderful things. Last year, we 6...(go) to Argentina. So, where next? We'd love to go to the Himalayas because we?.... (never climb) Everest. ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de vladelinschii05



Then listen and check. My dad and I climbed a lot of mountains and of course, it can be dangerous. I started when I was 14 but I have never had a serious accident. My dad and 14 travelled all over the world and we saw some wonderful things. Last year, we went to Argentina. So, where next? We'd love to go to the Himalayas because we never climbed  Everest. ​

cat6984: am reusit sa l fac si aparent este corect, mersi de implicare
vladelinschii05: <3
Răspuns de murarasuanisoara


1-climbed 2-I started 3-I never had 4-traveled 5-saw 6-went 7-have never climbed (nu știu dacă este bun dar măcar am încercat)

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