urgent plz cat de repede trebuie sa il predau azi

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Greetings, I am very glad my application was to your liking. To answer your question, yes, I am available and I will make sure to come to those interviews. Thank you very much once again, for giving me this amazing opportunity.
Thank you for paying for my travel expenses, I acknowledge the fact that it is very far away from where I am currently located, but I shall do my best to arrive there. But may I ask, what is the best way to travel there?
I can start work whenever you wish me to start, I'm available most of the time since I am a person with a lot of free time at hand. I'll make sure to always be prepared to start!
I look forward to meeting you aswell, but I do have one question that I've been meaning to ask; as you may know, I live very far away and I'm wondering if there's any accommodation nearby? That is all for now, I look very forward to the interview.
Yours sincerely,
Mr./Mrs. [ Numele Dumneavoastra ]
Sper ca am fost de ajutor!!