Engleza, întrebare adresată de ionmitriuc2005, 8 ani în urmă

Read the information about Lia. Then complete the sentences in the chart below with the correct form of the verbs in the parantheses and the correct prepositions of time.

Lia is from Indonesia. She works in Toronto, Canada. This is her first time away
from home, and she misses her life in Indonesia. Her life is very different in Canada!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de anacalin2008

2) Lia has classes between 9:30 and 12: 30 from Monday to Saturday

3)goes, in the

4)does not cook

5)has, at, in

6) does not, in

7)works, between, and, from, to

8)studies, wants to

10) does not have

11) does not go out in the weekends

12) is

13) misses

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