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Răspunsuri la întrebare
pun din viata mea
One day,when i was ten, a had such a bad experience then. Because i algost got his by a car. So i will explain to you every moment of that. I wanted to cross a road with just a few cars and i said: ,,Hey,why not?'' So i started crossin the road without looking in any way and at the last moment it was like a perfect timing for me because i almost got hir by a car
Why napkins could save your life
One day, when i was nine, I was doing my math homework and when I looked at the window, it was snowing like in the cartoons. It was winter.
I immediatly left the homework and got dressed with what i saw first. 2 sweatshirt, a pair of pans, one pair of gloves and my black boots and my bag with my keys, my napkins and my bottle of water.I went outside and played in the snow.
It was 4pm and my dad was going to be returning to work at 6 am and my mom at 9 pm, so i had time to play.
I ran as fast as i could in the snow and went to the park.
My bloc of flats is in front of a park, so as i said before, i went there. There were lots of kids out there.
Somehow, i got pushed into the park's fente and hit my top lip into it. I damaged my lip. It started leaking a little blood but it did not cause to much pain like i tought it will do. I rezolved it with one of my napkins.
At 8 pm i got home and never tought that much of it. At 9 pm my mom returned home and when i went to greet her she looked at my lip and pointed it out. I felt a rush of emotions but i casually played it off.
After all these years she does not know why my lip was damaged. Should I tell her?