Engleza, întrebare adresată de vasile391100, 8 ani în urmă

Urgent va rog
cele 3 exerciții

I. Spune ce facea fiecare pe vremea aceasta, martea
Father was in the living-room. (watch)
Father was watching TV.
1. My mother was in the kitchen. (cook)
2. Daniel was in the garden. (water flowers)
3. Grandma was in the bedroom (sleep)
4. Their friends were at the disco (dance)
5. Aunt Mary and uncle John were in the garage. (repair

II. leri dimineata, toti elevii din clasa a sasea erau in clasa
si se pregateau pentru testul de la matematica. Spune ce
facea fiecare cand a intrat profesorul.
Ana and Mary / clean the blackboard.
Ana and Mary were cleaning the blackboard.
1. Christian / talk to his deskmate.
2. Victor / repeat some geometry formulas.
3. Diana and Helen / look at some exercises.
4. George / read the math lesson.
5. Andreea / write her homework.

III. Treceti verbele la Trecutul Continuu:
We are reading Shakespeare now.
We were reading Shakespeare at this time yesterday, too.
1. Father is fixing the car in the garage.
2 Timothy is painting the wall now.
3. Granpa and Grandma are watching a movie now.
4. Students are learning new Spanish words now.
5. The boys are trying to fix a bicycle now.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de maria71727282828

exercițiul 1 :

1. my mother was cooking.

2.daniel was watering the flowers

3.grandma was sleeping.

4. their friends were dancing

5. aunt mary and uncle John were repairing the car.

exercițiul 2:

1.christian was talking to his deskmate

2.victor was repeting some geometry formulas.

3.diana and helen were looking at some exercises

4.george was reading the math lesson

5.andreea was writing her homework

exercițiul 3 :

1.father was fixing the car in the garage

2.timothy was painting the wall at this time yesterday, too

3. granpa and grandma were watching a film at this time yesterday, too

4.students were learning new Spanish words at this time yesterday, too

5. the boys were trying to fix a bicycle at this time yesterday, too

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