Urgent va rog! Cuvintele care nu se vad din cauza pozei sunt: yesterday si following.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Hi there!
Cerinta: A new colleague in your class asked you these questions yesterday.
Un coleg de clasa nou v-a pus aceste intrebari ieri.
a) Where will you be playing the basketball game?
He asked where we would be playing the game.
b) Have you been doing a lot of experiments in Physics class?
He wanted to know if we had been doing a lot of experiments in Physics class.
c) When did the Maths form teacher take the class over?
He asked when the Maths teacher had taken the class over.
d) Does he give good grades generally?
He wanted to know if he gave good grades.
e) Are you doing English or French?
He asked if we were doing English or French.
➤ Vorbirea indirecta se foloseste pentru a transmite ceea ce altcineva a spus.
➤ De cele mai multe ori, verbul din propozitia principala este la timpul trecut. Pentru a trece intrebari la vorbirea indirecta, vom folosi :he/she asked; he/she wanted to know; he/she wondered, etc.
➤ Nu putem avea timp trecut in principala si timp prezent in secundara. Si-atunci, timpurile din propozitia secundara se vor transforma, astfel:
present simple➤ past simple;
present continuous ➤ past continuous;
past simple ➤ past perfect simple;
present perfect simple ➤ past perfect simple;
past continuous ➤ past perfect continuous;
future simple ➤ future in the past; etc.
Good Luck!