Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă



PheiOlim: Salut. Esti sigur ca nu exista nici-o imagine ca referinta , deoarece intrebarile nu au sens.
rottenmilkshakes: A. Liz's husband
Utilizator anonim: ba da e la urmatoerea mea intrebare
Utilizator anonim: gen ultima intrebare care am pus.o pe contul meu

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MaryElena12


2. Tim îs Liz's husband. He is her husband.

3.Susan and Paul are George, Mary and John's grandparents. They are their grandparents.

4. Mary and John are Sarah and Simon's children.

They are their children.

5.Sarah is George's aunt and Simon is his uncle.

6.Mary is Tim and Liz's nephew. He is their nephew.

7.John is Liz and Tim's nephew. He is her nephew.

8.George îs Tim's son . He is his son.

9.Susan and Mary's grandmother. She's her grandmother.

10. John is George's cousin .He is his cousin.

11.John is Mary's brother and Mary is John's sister.

12. Mary is Sarah and Simon's daughter. she is their daughter

Utilizator anonim: mersi dar e de 0 saptamana
Utilizator anonim: cu intarziere dar mersi
Utilizator anonim: l.am facut deja
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