Engleza, întrebare adresată de vbnbnvjh, 8 ani în urmă

Urgent va rog.............

Rewrite each sentence in reported speech beginning as shown.

a) ‘I won’t be there because I’m having a party’, said Lucy.
Lucy told us that she wouldn’t be there because she was having a party.
b) ‘I’ve lost the map and I don’t know the way’, said Jack.
Jack told me that he.............................................
c) ‘When I finish the book, I’m going to watch television,’ said Jessica.
Jessica said that when..........................................
d) ‘I’m doing some homework but I won’t be long,’ said Mike.
Mike said that he.............................................
e) “ I got up late and I missed the bus,’ said Richard.
Richard said that he................................................

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de robsam
doar o sa pun raspunsul
b)Jack told me that he lost the map,so he doesnt know the way
c)Jessica said that when she finishes the book,she is going to watch televeision
d)Mike said that he was doing some homework,but that it won't take that long
e)Richered said that he missed the bus because he got up late

0000000: Nu se foloseste niciodata "will" dupa "when". Asa ca la c este "when she finishes", corecteaza te rog
robsam: cum se correcteaza?
0000000: Nu iti mai apare optiunea "editeaza"?
robsam: nup
robsam: poate reporteazama ca sa pot edita? parca asa functiona
0000000: am vorbit cu un moderator ca sa rezolvam mai repede, asteapta putin :)
robsam: gata,multumesc mult ca mi-ai zis greseala,sper ca de data asta am facuto corect
0000000: da, e bine
Răspuns de dimitrie777
b/ had lost        he didin t know     c/ Jessica said that when she finished    she was going    d/ Mike said he was doing     he wouldn t    e/ had got up    had missed
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