Engleza, întrebare adresată de traresgabriel, 8 ani în urmă

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Traduceti compunerea in engleza:
Daca as putea schimba ceva in viata mea ar fi cu siguranță alimentatia,deoarece as vrea sa consum in fiecare zi fructe si legume.
Pe de alta parte , pe langa alimentatie as vrea sa practic sport in fiecare dimineata minim 30 de minute, astfel voi evita sedentarismul.
As vrea sa acord mai multa atentie scolii , si anume: as vrea sa fiu mai concentrat in timpul orelor ,pentru a invata mai multe lucruri folositoare ,dar pentru asta trebuie sa merg la culcare devreme si sa nu mai pierd noptiile jucandu ma pe telefon si calculator.
In concluzie, cu toate ca am si anumite defecte, ma consider un baiat cuminte si ascultator

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cosmaandra2000

If I could change something in my life, that would be definitely the food I eat, because I would like to consume each day more fruits and vegetables.

On the other hand, besides the food I eat, I would like to do more sports every morning, more than 30 minutes so I could avoid a sedentary live.

I would like to offer more attention to school, for example: I would like to be more focused during classes, so I could learn a lot of more useful things, but for that I would have to go to sleep early and not wasting my nights playing on my phone and computer.

In conclusion, despite the fact that I have some imperfections, I consider myself a good and obedient boy.

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