Engleza, întrebare adresată de handcapetion, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in: did/didn't, was/wasn't, were/weren't.
1 A: How was your first day at your new job?
B: It ............ great. I .............. expect to
have as much fun as I ...............
2 A:
..... you buy some eggs?
B: I'm sorry, there
..... any left
when I got to the shop.
3 A: I thought your friend
coming with you.
B: He
feeling well so he
stayed at home.
4 A: Where
Julian going wher
you saw him?
B: He
say but he
in a hurry.​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Narutomaki11

(Verbele sunt puse în ordine)

1. was, didn't, did.

2. did, weren't

3. was, wasn't

4. was, didn't, was

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