Use a dictionary to translate the words below, then fill in the gaps with the correct one: since; unless; nevertheless; however; either ... or; as long as; so; in case; fi rst ... then; therefore; though; moreover. 1) ... the dog is confi ned, the mail carrier will deliver the mail. 2) Copy these directions, ... that you won’t get lost. 3) ... she is out, you should speak to Mrs. Oak. 4) They couldn’t see any way out, ... they went on hoping. 5) There was nobody at home; ... he left a message. 6) We shall not support you ... 6) We shall not support you ... you change your attitude.
7) ... he arrives earlier, tell him to wait. 8) She may stay with us for some time ... she won’t keep late hours.
9) ... you must wash your hands, ... you may eat your cake. 10) The place is not quite picturesque; ... there are a
lot of mosquitoes here in summer. 11) ... it was late, nobody wanted to go to bed. 12) My sister would like to
continue her education ... at Cambridge ... at Harvard.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Trebuie să traducem cuvintele date, apoi să completăm spațiile punctate cu cuvintele corecte.
- since = din moment ce, de când (depinde de context)
- unless = decât dacă, dacă nu
- nevertheless = cu toate că, cu toate acestea, acestea fiind spuse
- however = în orice caz, totuși
- either ... or = fie ... fie (ori asta, ori cealaltă)
- as long as = cât timp, atât timp cât
- so = deci
- in case = în caz că
- first ... then = întâi .... apoi (prima dată asta, apoi cealaltă)
- therefore = prin urmare, așadar
- though = deși, totuși
- moreover = mai mult decât atât, în plus
- Since the dog is confined, the mail carrier will deliver the mail.
- Copy these directions, so that you won’t get lost.
- Nevertheless she is out, you should speak to Mrs. Oak.
- They couldn’t see any way out, however they went on hoping.
- There was nobody at home; therefore he left a message.
- We shall not support you unless you change your attitude.
- In case he arrives earlier, tell him to wait.
- She may stay with us for some time as long as she won’t keep late hours.
- First you must wash your hands, then you may eat your cake.
- The place is not quite picturesque; moreover there are a lot of mosquitoes here in summer.
- Though it was late, nobody wanted to go to bed.
- My sister would like to continue her education either at Cambridge or at Harvard.
- Lumberjack25
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