Engleza, întrebare adresată de IoanaRadu0723, 8 ani în urmă

Use answers to the questions in 4 to write your own announcement for the cycling club.
Intrebarile de la ex 4:
1) when does the cycling club meet?
2) Where does the cycling class go ?
3) What does the cycling club do?
4) Who can I contact ?

Va rog ajutatima !!! Repede !!!!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nicomariana41


1. The cycling club is meeting on Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning

2. The cycling club goes in the countryside

3. The cycling club is training for summer cycling event

4. You can contact Paul on ..... .....


da sper sa fie bine...

IoanaRadu0723: Multumesc mult !!!!
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