Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandravelisca5, 8 ani în urmă

Use of English: multiple-choice cloze (Part 1) For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). MY FIRST FLIGHT B My heart was (0) fast as I stood at the edge of the cliff with my hang glider for the first time. I looked straight ahead to where the (1) disappeared in front of me, and (2) ........ that there was nothing between me and the valley lying (3) ... below. My flying instructor went (4) the instructions once more, but I was not listening. The idea of jumping off this cliff suddenly seemed totally (5) 1 I hesitated for a moment. But I had to do it. I (6) a deep breath and began to move forwards. After only five steps I was lifted up into the air by the wind. I gasped as I flew over the (7) ...... of the cliff. Excitement surged through me, and I (8).......... to laugh. I was excited and afraid at the same time, and I loved it. I (9) control bar tightly, as if that was the only thing (10) me falling as I hung hundreds of metres above the valley spread out below. the All too soon I was over the landing field, and I had to (11) ............ hard on getting down safely. When I finally landed, I was triumphant. I had flown like a bird, and I would never be the (12) ........... person again. ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de micudarius88


helo are you american or romanian

alexandravelisca5: romanian
cristian3197098: bro
micudarius88: what
micudarius88: aaaa
micudarius88: esti roman
micudarius88: am vz din nume
micudarius88: scz pa
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