Engleza, întrebare adresată de canon2001, 9 ani în urmă

Use the correct form of the Conditionals in
each sentence.
1. If we (not go) to their party next week, they would be
very angry.
2. They will be disappointed if you (not to call) them
3. If I (be) off ered the job, I would take it.
4. Many people would have been out of work if the factory
(close) down.
5. She will be terribly upset if we (reject) her invitation.
6. I am sure she (understand) if you explained the situation
to her.
7. They are not expecting us. They (be) surprised when
they see us?
8. If he had sold the car, he (not get) much money for it.
9. If they took the exam in two days they (not manage) to
prepare for it properly.
10. You won’t be able to fall asleep if you (go) to bed so

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dobreadariusdd
1. won't go
2. won't call
3. had
4. had closed
5.have rejected
6.would understand
7. will be
8. won't get
9. won't manage
10. will go

Sper ca te-am ajutat! Ma pricep foarte bine la engleza! :D

canon2001: da mai ajutat foarte mult mersi
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