Use the correct form of the word in capitals at the end of each sentence to fill the gap

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. My favourite hobby is diving.
2. I'd like to study the behavior of gorillas in the wild.
3. We visited an island which was exceptionally beautiful.
4. Unless there is a great deal of improvement in the weather, we'll have to go home.
5. Our leader has a detailed knowledge of the local area.
6. I enjoyed the holiday because it was really relaxing.
1. Hobby-ul meu preferat este să fac scufundări.
2. Aș dori să studiez comportamentul gorilelor în sălbăticie.
3. Am vizitat o insulă care era excepțional de frumoasă.
4. Dacă nu există o mare îmbunătățire a vremii, va trebui să mergem acasă.
5. Liderul nostru are cunoștințe detaliate despre zona locală.
6. Mi-a plăcut vacanța pentru că a fost cu adevărat relaxantă.
1. My favourite hobby is diving.
2. I'd like to study the behavior of gorillas in the wild.
3. We visited an island which was exceptionally beautiful.
4. Unless there is a great deal of improvement in the weather, we'll have to go home.
5. Our leader has a detailed knowledge of the local area.
6. I enjoyed the holiday because it was really relaxing.