Engleza, întrebare adresată de Margareta5, 9 ani în urmă

Use the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Gretta had the feeling that somebody (to look) at her
and she (to low) her eyes.
2. After she (to send) the children to school, she (to begin)
3. Don’t wait for me. I (to come) as soon as I (to fi nish) my
4. Clothing styles (to change) a great deal since the 1980s.
5. Ice hockey (to start) in Canada.
6. The fi rst Thanksgiving (to celebrate) in the colonial settlement
of Plymouth, Massachusetts.
7. I was suprised that he (to give) his real name to a stranger.
8. He asked me if I ever (to have) a nightmare.
9. When Sue (to get) home from school her parents (to
wait) for her.
10. They (to write) for 2 hours when the bell rang.
11. What you (to think) about when I entered?
12. Where he (to be) when the train (to arrive)?
13. The letter (not to send) yet.
14. How long it (to take) them to get to school?
15. I usually (to go) to work by car, but I (to go) by bus this
week while my car (to repair).

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



Use the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.

Folosiţi formele corecte ale verbelor din paranteze.



În acest exerciţiu, atenţia noastră trebuie îndreptată spre modul de folosire a timpurilor în propoziţii scurte , precum şi spre corespondenţa timpurilor.

Câteva sugestii:

  • dacă în propoziţia principală avem timpul viitor, în propoziţia condiţională (if clause) sau în cea de timp (when, before, as soon as) vom folosi prezent;
  • vom fi atenţi când în propoziţia principală avem un timp trecut, deoarece propoziţia secundară vom folosi tot un timp trecut (atenţie la raporturile de anterioritate, simultaneitate şi posterioritate);
  • avem mai multe posibilităţi de a folosi verbele, voi da mai multe variante corecte acolo unde este posibilă utilizarea la timpuri diferite;
  • pare complicat, dar e foarte simplu, engleza are o gramatică logică.


Rezolvarea exerciţiului


1. Gretta had the feeling that somebody was looking at her  and she lowered her eyes.

2. a. After she sends the children to school, she will begin cooking.

b. After she had sent the children to school, she began cooking.

3. Don’t wait for me. I will come as soon as I finish my  homework.

4. Clothing styles have changed a great deal since the 1980s.

5. Ice hockey started in Canada.

6. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in the colonial settlement  of Plymouth, Massachusetts.

7. I was suprised that he had given his real name to a stranger.

8. He asked me if I ever had had a nightmare.

9. a. When Sue gets home from school her parents will be waiting for her.

b. When Sue got home from school her parents were waiting for her.

10. They had been writing for 2 hours when the bell rang.

11. What were you thinking about when I entered?

12. a. Where will he be when the train arrives?

b. Where was he when the train arrived?

13. The letter has not been yet.

14. a. How long will it take them to get to school?

b. How long did it take them to get to school?

15. I usually go to work by car, but I am going by bus this  week while my car will be repaired.

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