Engleza, întrebare adresată de AndreAndreeaA, 8 ani în urmă

Use the prompts to talk about
these people, as in the example:
1. Akira / Japan / photographer /
take wedding photos
2. Antonio / Mexico / writer / deadlines
3. Anna / Russia / surgeon / cure sick people
4. Diego / Spain / teacher /
when students do not do their homework
5. Adele / Great Britain / singer / when people
know her songs by heart

eg. Akira is a Japanese photographer.
She loves taking wedding photos.
Va rog... rapid...​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alexandramonea

2. Antonio is a Mexican writer. He finishes his works before deadlines.

3.Anna is a Russian surgeon. She loves curing sick people.

4. Diego is a Spanish teacher. He doesn't like when students do not do their homework.

5. Adele is a British singer. She is happy when people know her songs by heart.

AndreAndreeaA: chiar aveam nevoie mare! Multumesc!
alexandramonea: cu placere!dai coroana? :3
AndreAndreeaA: problema e ca sunt noua si nu stiu cum se da coroana
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