Engleza, întrebare adresată de mariaaa1557, 8 ani în urmă

Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence:
1. Some.....of foreign languages, especially French and German, is required for the job. (KNOW)
2. Judo required both skill and..... (STRONG)
3. We decided to buy the house because the price was very.... (REASON)
4. The.....of the mountain is about 2000m. (HIGH)
5. Tea or coffe? - If I had the...., I'd take tea. (CHOOSE)
6. She was very....and hoped to become a lawyer before she reached the age of 35. (AMBITION)
7. Thank you for everything you've done. You've been very....(HELP)
8. The painting looked real, but the....was obviously a forgery.(SIGN)
9. Last year the company made a....of over 10 million. (LOSE)
10. I could never live in Saudi Arabia because of the.... (HOT)

Un ajutor, va rog! ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mariacomanescu79


Some KNOWLEDGE of foreign languages, especially French and German, is required for the job. (KNOW)

2. Judo required both skill and.STRENGTH (STRONG)

3. We decided to buy the house because the price was very REASONABLE.... (REASON)

4. The HEIGHT.....of the mountain is about 2000m. (HIGH)

5. Tea or coffe? - If I had the CHOICE., I'd take tea. (CHOOSE)

6. She was very.AMBITIOUS...and hoped to become a lawyer before she reached the age of 35. (AMBITION)

7. Thank you for everything you've done. You've been very.HELPFUL...(HELP)

8. The painting looked real, but the SIGNATURE....was obviously a forgery.(SIGN)

9. Last year the company made a LOSS....of over 10 million. (LOSE)

10. I could never live in Saudi Arabia because of the HEAT.... (HOT)


mariaaa1557: mulțumesc mult!!!
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