Engleza, întrebare adresată de anastasiacaraiman, 8 ani în urmă

Use the words from the list below to complete the sentences.
Extremely, picturesque, medieval, architecture, assumption, leather, deserve, lively, embroidery, osier, landscape, value, remarkable
a. The remains of a _______________ royal palace combined with a spectacular 1930s Art Deco Building are situated in the parkland of London. b. All the Moldova costumes have ___________________ of _________________ beauty. c. Many ______________ baskets from Soroca gained deserved fame far and abroad. d. The demand for ________________ footwear is very high among consumers. e. Moldova’s _________________ are _______________ __________________ . f. The _________________ of these products _________________ people’s appreciation. g. _________________ of friendliness is a characteristic of some people. h. Chiswick House is an example of Palladian ________________ with the statues among the trees.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de chiscadomnica
a- medieval
b-embroidery, remarkabale
d- leather
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