Engleza, întrebare adresată de stelageormanean, 9 ani în urmă

Use the words in the box to make four lists with words describing weather, food, place and people. Exemplu: very interesting, really interesting, extremely interesting. Toate, va rog!!!
cold, rude, nice, windy, boring beautiful delicious, interesting, lovely, horrible, attractive, wonderful, helpful, pleasant, traditional, fascinating.


stelageormanean: Este bine?: very cold, really cold, extremely cold.
stelageormanean: si sa le continui asa pe toate?
stelageormanean: o parere va rog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Demonic
weather category :
cold - very cold - really cold - extremely cold
windy - very windy - really windy - extremely windy
horrible - very horrible - really horible - extremely horrible
lovely -
fascinating -
boring -
beautiful -
pleasent -
interesting -
wonderful -

people category :
rude - very rude - really rude - extremely rude
nice - very nice - really nice - extremely nice
horrible -
attractive -
wonderful -
helpful -
pleasent -
interesting -
fascinating -
boring -

place category :
attractive -
fascinating -
boring -
nice -
windy -
beautiful -
attractive -
wonderful -
lovely -
boring -

food category :
wonderful -
delicious -
attractive -
lovely -
horrible -
traditional -
pleasant -
fascinating -
cold -

P.S. fiecare din cuvintele de mai sus se pot incadra in mai multe categorii nu doar una singura,eu nu am mai scris cu "very - really - extremely" la fiecare
 ,poti face tu asta. Sper sa iti fie de folos.

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Matematică, 9 ani în urmă