Engleza, întrebare adresată de cryna24, 9 ani în urmă

Using key words and phrases, give answers to the following questions:
a. How do all living and non-living things depend on each other?
b. What kind of balance is there in nature between predators and their prey?
c. What would happen if we removed a link in the food chain?

cryna24: e pe baya textului
cryna24: We rely on our environment to provide us with food to eat and clean air to breathe. All living and non-living
things are linked through cycles; for example, the carbon cycle and the water cycle. Food chains are part of these
cycles. As an example, a food chain might consist of garden plants, such as lettuce and carrots, fed upon by rabbits
which, in their turn, are fed upon by owls which, in their turn, are fed upon by hawks.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
@) Depends of each other because we need air and the plants clear the air.
B)If a bigger animal will eat a small animall the bigger animal will be eat by the biggest animal and the cycle is like this.
C)we will eat just the grass and the greens.

cryna24: ms
Utilizator anonim: npc
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