Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Using the phrases below,say what is being done now (help me pleace)
work(to do) - at the lesson
different games(to play) - in the school yard
so many goods(to buy/sell) - in the shop
fruits and vegetables(to gather) -in the garden
(ex 3 pag 14 cl. 7)

Utilizator anonim: varog ajutatima!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Dydy123
- working to do at the lesson
- different games are played in the school yard.
- so many goods are buying(or selling) in the shop.
- fruits and vegetables are gathering in the garden.

Sper că este bine și că te-am ajutat,baftă!
Răspuns de artur99
*please, nu pleace :P
We are doing work at the lesson now. (I guess, cel puțin asta pare să fie ceea ce este cerut de cerință)
We are playing different games in the school yard now.
There are so many people buying/selling in the shop now.
The fruits and vegetables are being gathered in the garden now.
(aici ar fi putut fi și altfel, dar trebuie să schimbi subiectul:
People are gathering fruits and vegetables in the garden now)

cred, cel puțin așa pare :)) nu ai vreun exemplu?
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