Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

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Utilizator anonim: Mai sunt două care nu au avut loc : A: I really like that song.B: So do I .I'll.....the radio
Utilizator anonim: i' ve never user a laptop computer before. Oh,it's easy. Just......the same way you do with you regular PC

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Matei


Cerință: La exercițiul 1, trebuie să spunem pe care dintre obiectele din poză le avem în bucătăria noastră și de asemenea care sunt întrebuințările lor. La exercițiul 2, trebuie să folosim verbele date pentru a completa enunțurile, astfel încât acestea să aibă sens.

Exercise 1

A) A blender is used to blend or mix food. I have it in my kitchen.

B) A microwave is generally used to reheat food that's been sitting in the fridge. I have one in my kitchen as well.

C) A stove (cuptor) is used to cook or bake food, while the stovetop (plită) is used to heat pans and pots and boil water. I also have it in my kitchen.

D) A landline phone (telefon fix) is used for making and receiving calls. I don't have that in my kitchen.

E) A calculator is used for quickly doing mathematical calculus. I don't keep one in my kitchen either.

F) A refrigerator (frigider) is used to keep the food cold and fresh. It's a must have item in any kitchen.

G) An electric kettle (fierbător) is used to boil water. I have that in my kitchen as well.

H) An electric shaver (aparat de ras electric) is used to shave off hair. I don't keep that in my kitchen.

I) A vacuum cleaner (aspirator) is used to clean the floors in the house. I don't keep that in my kitchen.

J) A toaster (prăjitor de pâine) is used to make bread slices warm and crunchy by heating them. I have that in my kitchen.

Exercise 2

  1. All right, I'll turn it down.
  2. No. Let's turn on the radio.
  3. Oh, silly me! I forgot to plug it in.
  4. OK. Don't forget to turn off all the lights before you go to bed.
  5. OK. Just give me a minute to log off the internet.
  6. So do I. I'll turn up the radio.
  7. Oh, it's easy. Just log on the same way you do with a regular PC.

  • turn (something) off = a opri ceva
  • turn (something) on = a porni ceva
  • turn (something) down = a da (volumul) mai încet
  • turn (something) up = a da (volumul) mai tare
  • plug (something) in = a băga ceva în priză
  • log on = a te conecta, a te înregistra (la un site web, la un calculator)
  • log off = a te deconecta

- Lumberjack25

Utilizator anonim: Multumesc frumos
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