Engleza, întrebare adresată de ciutkomondialu0, 8 ani în urmă

Va rog ajutați-mă cu acest exercițiu!
Dau puncte multe și coroană


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mattyz

Ex 1.

You find inspiring: Billie eilish

Helps you concentrate:chase antlantic

Annoys you:classical music

Is good to listen when you're happy or sad:palaye royales

Ex 2.

No , I wouldn't be happy to live without music since i find it like one of the ways I calm down or relax during free time, or any time. Music has a special spot in my heart and always will.

Ex 3.

No, since music is supposed to be made by you, by how You feel, by how they feel. And it should come from the heart. It shouldn't be made only for money, but for you.

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