Engleza, întrebare adresată de andrease, 7 ani în urmă

Va rog ajutați-mă cu acest exercițiu .
Ofer coroană
Mulțumesc anticipat
!Nu trebuie tradus nimic!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mbc220861



1. He told her to switch off the TV.

2. She asked Tom to shut the door.

3. I begged Mary to lend me her pen for a moment.

4. I warned them not to watch late-night horror movies.

5. He warned me not to believe everything I hear.

6. The secretary remineded me to fill up that form.

7. I advised him not to hurry.

8. I warned Mary not to touch that switch.      

andrease: Mulțumesc
mbc220861: Cu placere
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