Engleza, întrebare adresată de mihaismecheru56, 8 ani în urmă

va rog ajutati-ma cu teme la engleza​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dariusmoldovan6357



3- c



6 -e


mihaismecheru56: mersi boss☺
mihaismecheru56: cui ii dau coroana?
dariusmoldovan6357: cui vrei
Răspuns de dianastan02

1. If i had studied harder, the test would have been a lot easier for me.

2. If i hadn't studied so much, i wouldn't have passed the test.

3. Would she have been late for school if she had got up when her alarm rang?

4. If she hadn't got up when her alarm rang, she wouldn't have had time for breakfast.

5. If we hadn't spent all our money, we would have bought him a present.

6. We wouldn't have had enough money to go to the cinema if we had spent it all on food.

mihaismecheru56: ok
dianastan02: a stai
mihaismecheru56: o dau celuilalt e bn?
dianastan02: stai un pic
dariusmoldovan6357: adică mie?
dianastan02: la celalat nu e bine la c
mihaismecheru56: ok
mihaismecheru56: tie tio dau
dariusmoldovan6357: ok
mihaismecheru56: ☺☺
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