va rog ajutati-ma cu traducerea

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I wish I had known sooner that it was possible.
As fi dorit sa stiu mai devreme ca este posibil.
For years and years I longed to be slim and felt frustrated at the feeling that there was nothong I coud do.
Ani de zile am dorit sa fiu suplu si m-am sitit frustrat la la sentimentul ca nu puteam face nimic.
I began putting on weight when I gave up my childhood love of playing sports.
Am inceput sa pun in greutate atunci cand am renuntat la placerea sporturilor din copilarie.
I started each day with two hunks of bread thickly spread with butter and jam, a bowl of cereal with plenty of sugar and a couple of cups of tea with full cream milk.
Imi incepeam ziua cu soua bucati de paine pline cu unt si dulceata, un bol de cereale cu mut zahar si cateva cesti de ceai pline cu frisca.
For elevenses, I'd have a mug of coffe and half a packet of biscuits or a wedge of cake.
Pentru gustarea de dupa micul dejun, luam o ceasca de cafea si jumatate de pachet de biscuiti sau o felie de tort.
Lunch was huge amounts of meat, potatoes and vegetables and a pudding.
Pranzul era o portie mare de carne, cartofi si legume si budinca.
Cream cakes, doughnuts, biscuits and sausage rolls saw me trough to tea-time, which consisted of a fry-up with bread and butter.
Prajiturile cu crema, gogosii, biscuitii si patiseriile ma delectau in timpul ceaiului, care se completau cu pane prajita cu unt.
Supper was stacks of crackers with butter and cheese and hot chocolate.
Cina consta in bucati de biscuiti cu unt si branza si ciocolata calda.
If I was still hungry, I'd eat more biscuits.
Daca imi era inca foame, mancam mai multi biscuiti.
The weight piled on.
Am inceput sa ma ingras.
I walked around in tent-like T-shirts and baggy trousers fastened with a belt which had to be made especialy for me.
Am inceput sa imbrac tricouri si pantaloni largi stransi cu a curea facuta special pentru mine.
One evening when I had to walk home from a party, I had gone only twenty yards before I had to sit on a wall to recover.
Intr-o seara pe cand trebuia sa merg acasa de la o petrecere, am mers doar douazeci de metri inainta sa am nevoie sa ma asez sa ma imi revin.
My body was horribly fat.
Corpul meu era groaznic de gras.
My stomach was so huge I could barely get my arms around it.
Stomacul era asa de imens incat aproape ca l-as fi inconjurat cu bratele.
I was a physical mess.
Din punct de vedere fizic eram o dezordine.
Yet, somehow, I managed to convince myself that I didn't look too bad.
Totusi, cumva, am reusit sa ma conving pe mine ca nu aratam prea rau.
But when you're twenty-three, life is full of humiliations.
Dar cand ai 23 de ani, viata este plina de umilinte.
Wherever I went people stared at me.
Oriunde mergeam, oamenii se holbau la mine.
Simply travelling on a bus or train was an ordeal.
O simpla calatorie cu autobuzul sau trenul era un chin.
I hated buying clothes and hearing the salesmen's sneers of "we don't do your size".
Am urat sa cumpar haine si sa aud sarcasmul vanzatorilor: "nu avem marimea ta".
Then, one day a friend tricked me into visiting a new club.
Apoi, intr-o zi un prieten m-a pacalit sa vizitez un club nou.
I imagined a bar and I was horrified when I walked into a room with a lot of women and a weighing machine.
Imi imaginam un bar si am fost ingrozit cand am intrat intr-o camera cu multe femei si un cantar.
But I felt too embarrassed to leave and thus I learnt about the "Fit for Life" programme.
Dar m-am simtit prea rusinat sa plec si astfel am invatat despre programul "Potrivit pentru Viata".
For the first time I was told that I could eat and lose weight.
Pentru prima data am aflat ca puteam manca si slabi.
From that day on everything in my life changed.
Din acea zi totul s-a schimbat in viata mea.
Of course I was put on a diet at the beginning.
Evident, am fost pus la dieta de la inceput.
But it was easy to change it into a good habit.
Dar a fost o schimbare rapida intr-un bun obicei.
I started exercising and I began to develop muscles and stamina together with my self-confidence.
Am inceput sa exersez si imi dezvolt musculatura si rezistena impruna cu increderea in sine.
It made me smile when I remebered there were times when I could barely lift the teapot.
M-a facut sa zambesc cand mi-am adus aminte ca erau vremuri cand abia ridicam ceainicul.
After six monthd I bought my first pair of jeans.
Dupa sase luni mi-am cumparat prima pereche de blugi.
I felt terrific; there was no going back.
Ma simteam grozav; nu mai exista drum de intoarcere.
Now I know: you don't have to feel trapped and defeated; the power to transform everything is in your hands.
Acum stiu: nu trebuie sa te simti prins in capcana si invins; puterea de a transforma totul este in mainile tale.
I wish I had known sooner that it was possible.
As fi dorit sa stiu mai devreme ca este posibil.
For years and years I longed to be slim and felt frustrated at the feeling that there was nothong I coud do.
Ani de zile am dorit sa fiu suplu si m-am sitit frustrat la la sentimentul ca nu puteam face nimic.
I began putting on weight when I gave up my childhood love of playing sports.
Am inceput sa pun in greutate atunci cand am renuntat la placerea sporturilor din copilarie.
I started each day with two hunks of bread thickly spread with butter and jam, a bowl of cereal with plenty of sugar and a couple of cups of tea with full cream milk.
Imi incepeam ziua cu soua bucati de paine pline cu unt si dulceata, un bol de cereale cu mut zahar si cateva cesti de ceai pline cu frisca.
For elevenses, I'd have a mug of coffe and half a packet of biscuits or a wedge of cake.
Pentru gustarea de dupa micul dejun, luam o ceasca de cafea si jumatate de pachet de biscuiti sau o felie de tort.
Lunch was huge amounts of meat, potatoes and vegetables and a pudding.
Pranzul era o portie mare de carne, cartofi si legume si budinca.
Cream cakes, doughnuts, biscuits and sausage rolls saw me trough to tea-time, which consisted of a fry-up with bread and butter.
Prajiturile cu crema, gogosii, biscuitii si patiseriile ma delectau in timpul ceaiului, care se completau cu pane prajita cu unt.
Supper was stacks of crackers with butter and cheese and hot chocolate.
Cina consta in bucati de biscuiti cu unt si branza si ciocolata calda.
If I was still hungry, I'd eat more biscuits.
Daca imi era inca foame, mancam mai multi biscuiti.
The weight piled on.
Am inceput sa ma ingras.
I walked around in tent-like T-shirts and baggy trousers fastened with a belt which had to be made especialy for me.
Am inceput sa imbrac tricouri si pantaloni largi stransi cu a curea facuta special pentru mine.
One evening when I had to walk home from a party, I had gone only twenty yards before I had to sit on a wall to recover.
Intr-o seara pe cand trebuia sa merg acasa de la o petrecere, am mers doar douazeci de metri inainta sa am nevoie sa ma asez sa ma imi revin.
My body was horribly fat.
Corpul meu era groaznic de gras.
My stomach was so huge I could barely get my arms around it.
Stomacul era asa de imens incat aproape ca l-as fi inconjurat cu bratele.
I was a physical mess.
Din punct de vedere fizic eram o dezordine.
Yet, somehow, I managed to convince myself that I didn't look too bad.
Totusi, cumva, am reusit sa ma conving pe mine ca nu aratam prea rau.
But when you're twenty-three, life is full of humiliations.
Dar cand ai 23 de ani, viata este plina de umilinte.
Wherever I went people stared at me.
Oriunde mergeam, oamenii se holbau la mine.
Simply travelling on a bus or train was an ordeal.
O simpla calatorie cu autobuzul sau trenul era un chin.
I hated buying clothes and hearing the salesmen's sneers of "we don't do your size".
Am urat sa cumpar haine si sa aud sarcasmul vanzatorilor: "nu avem marimea ta".
Then, one day a friend tricked me into visiting a new club.
Apoi, intr-o zi un prieten m-a pacalit sa vizitez un club nou.
I imagined a bar and I was horrified when I walked into a room with a lot of women and a weighing machine.
Imi imaginam un bar si am fost ingrozit cand am intrat intr-o camera cu multe femei si un cantar.
But I felt too embarrassed to leave and thus I learnt about the "Fit for Life" programme.
Dar m-am simtit prea rusinat sa plec si astfel am invatat despre programul "Potrivit pentru Viata".
For the first time I was told that I could eat and lose weight.
Pentru prima data am aflat ca puteam manca si slabi.
From that day on everything in my life changed.
Din acea zi totul s-a schimbat in viata mea.
Of course I was put on a diet at the beginning.
Evident, am fost pus la dieta de la inceput.
But it was easy to change it into a good habit.
Dar a fost o schimbare rapida intr-un bun obicei.
I started exercising and I began to develop muscles and stamina together with my self-confidence.
Am inceput sa exersez si imi dezvolt musculatura si rezistena impruna cu increderea in sine.
It made me smile when I remebered there were times when I could barely lift the teapot.
M-a facut sa zambesc cand mi-am adus aminte ca erau vremuri cand abia ridicam ceainicul.
After six monthd I bought my first pair of jeans.
Dupa sase luni mi-am cumparat prima pereche de blugi.
I felt terrific; there was no going back.
Ma simteam grozav; nu mai exista drum de intoarcere.
Now I know: you don't have to feel trapped and defeated; the power to transform everything is in your hands.
Acum stiu: nu trebuie sa te simti prins in capcana si invins; puterea de a transforma totul este in mainile tale.
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