Engleza, întrebare adresată de roberto7266, 8 ani în urmă

va rog ajutati-ma dau coroana ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de kuroshiro11011


1. 1-g








2. 1. to be the top of your class

2. eating too much

3. informatics, english

4. math, romanian

5. exercise every day, going to the gym

6. sleeping too much

3. 1. travel the world

2. get promotion


4. retire

5. get a diplom


7. start a family

8. start a carrier

4. 1.

2. It's not easy to start a new family when you're 50.

3. The government wants to raise the age that you can get a diplom to 18.

4. I certainly want to start a family one day. I'd like at least three children.

5. I want to take a few years off and travel the world. I'd love to spend some time in Asia.

6. These days many people can't afford retire before they're 70.

7. I got a diplom from university but I've never really used it in my professional life.

8. If you work hard, you might get promoted to junior manager next year.

5. 1. Linda: What's up Sam?

2. Sam: Nothing. I'm just feeling a bit tired. I was up late.

3. Linda: Really? What were you up to?

4. Sam: I was just playing video games with my dad. We were up until 1 am.

5. Linda: Why didn't you just go to bed?

6. Sam: I wanted to but it wasn't up to me. I had to wait for my dad to finish.

7. Linda: Why? I don't understand.

8. Sam: Well we were playing on the TV in my bedroom.

6. 1. doing = up to

2. awake = up

3. didn't go to bed early = up late

4. the matter = what's up

5. decision/choice = up to me

kuroshiro11011: nici eu nu știu română
kuroshiro11011: de obicei găseam câte ceva pe net, dar acum nici când pun întrebare aici nu răspunde nimeni
roberto7266: stiu si mie mi se intampla la fel
roberto7266: ai discord?
roberto7266: poate mai vb
kuroshiro11011: da, am discord
roberto7266: scriel
kuroshiro11011: KuroShiro#1907
kuroshiro11011: al tău care e?
roberto7266: gata am trimis
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