Engleza, întrebare adresată de anamariapasat2010, 8 ani în urmă

va rog,ajutati-ma!!dau coroana!​


anamariapasat2010: cnv???
anamariapasat2010: va rog!!!!
anamariapasat2010: Am nevoie in 15 min

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de razorweavile110


Is there any ketchup in the fridge

There are some oranges in the bag

Is there any butter left?

Have we got any jam?

No we haven't. Let's buy some

Have we got any sugar?

Yes, there is some sugar in that canister over there

Have we got any salt?

No we haven't. Let's buy some.

Have we got any olive oil?

Yes, we have some on the table right over there

Have we got any bread?

No we haven't. Let's buy some

anamariapasat2010: multumesc!
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