Engleza, întrebare adresată de ekehejrbufbrhrjrrh, 8 ani în urmă

Vă rog ajutați-mă.
Dau multe puncte.

• Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.
• Your story must begin with this sentence:
"I woke up in the middle of the night."

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de neatity

I woke up suddenly at midnight and saw a stranger coming from my garden. I picked up my cricket bat and thought of attacking him, but as I was home alone, I thought of using brain instead of weapon.

I locked the house from outside and went out towards the garden! The stranger had placed himself on the bench in the garden. And then suddenly, he started crying loudly.

I could feel some agony in his cry, so I went ahead to confront him. As I reached near him, I saw his face. He was an old man, with shabby clothes.

“Who, who, are you and why are you crying?”, I asked him.

At first, the Old Man kept on crying, but then, all sudden, he looked into my eyes. I could see a deep pain, pain of losing someone near and dear, in his eyes.

“M..M…My son brought me here”, the old man replied, in a husky voice.

I looked around to see any other person, but there was no one.

“Where is your son?”, I asked the old man.

“He committed suicide today,” said the old man, before breaking down.

After hearing this, many questions started arising in my mind. That Old man had just said that his son brought him here and now he’s saying that his son committed suicide. What was he trying to say?

“But, how can your son bring you here?”, I continued with my questions.

“My son was average in studies, but he was a great singer. As any normal parent, I started putting stress on him, so that he could focus more on his study, and less on music. I got blinded by ‘what would society say’ terminology,” the old man said, with a voice full of guilt.

He continued: “Soon, his grades improved, and he started doing well in his studies. I knew he was missing his passion of life and was doing all this just to make us happy. But you see, the only thing we parents want is to see our kid happy in their life, so we choose a safe path of Education, to satisfy ourselves.”

I was deeply engrossed in the story of the stranger, as it was very relatable.

“Then, why did he commit suicide, everything was going smoothly. Isn’t it?”, was the immediate response from my side.

“Yes, my son was doing good in studies, but he was going through extreme depression at that time. In front of me, he used to be normal, but in my absence, he used to cry while looking at the music he made, the lyrics he wrote and the songs he recorded. I thought it was all normal, and it would get fine soon but for my son, it was a MCQ test, a test to choose between two options, his parents happiness and his own happiness. As he was very bad at answering choices based questions, he chose death, as the right answer,” replied the old man.

After hearing this, tears started dropping from my eyes. Somehow, I got courage to ask another painful yet curious question:

“You said your son brought you here. How?”

The Old man paused and looked at the sky.

“Son, the world you see, is different from the world I see. We all have our own opinions on different things and situations. This Universe is a very strange place. This tiny planet is a part of that strange place. The whole humanity survives on the basis of belief. Before my son’s death, I was an atheist. But after his death, I started seeing him. His soul, wearing a school bag. He moved objects around me to make his presence felt. Then, he just went out of our house and came here. I followed him. When I saw you, I found my son in you. I now know why he brought me here,” replied the old man, with a smile.

Just then, a noise came from my house. I looked at the old man with a scared look.

“He is making his presence felt. Don’t be scared, he is a pure soul,” the old man said excitedly.

Just then, a boy came out of my house. He was wearing white clothes and had a school bag.

“There he is, you see him?” the old man asked me.

I was too shocked to reply. I was seeing a soul, a pure soul, through naked eyes. It was something paranormal for me!

As the boy’s soul came near me, it toppled and fell on the ground. Cash and jewellery fell from the soul’s pocket.

“Run”, shouted the old man, and they both starting running.

I followed them. Soon, they jumped inside a car, and drove away. I noted down the car number and called the police.

Me: Hello, Police station? Just now, there has been a robbery in my house, by two guys. I have noted their car number, it’s DL 3CA 521… Wait, that’s, that’s my car!

blackythewolf20: Poveste astea e putin intunecta O-O
egyshdyehsgz: este
Răspuns de minolina15

I woke up in the middle of the night. It was a dark night all what you can saw was the moon. I woke up because I

suddenly heard a gigling. This was so scared..I was so scared..I went to the livingroom because there was the sound and I saw just the TV..this experience was so scared but this was funny too.

Sper ca te-am ajutat!

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